Cable Channel
Nickelodeon Network
Cyma Zarghami, President Nickelodeon Network
1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036
Phone Number: 1-(212)
Nickelodeon - Viewer Services
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Phone Number: (212) 258-7579
The Magazine
Letters to the Editors
Nickelodeon Magazine
P.O. Box 1529
Elk Grove Village, IL 6009-1529
For Subscription Information please call: 1-800-947-7052
Advertising Department: 1-212-258-8919
{Possible Phone Number: 1-212-654-5678}
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Phone Number: (212) 258-6000
Fax: (212) 258-6464
General Information
Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales for
Nickelodeon Television: Jim Tricarico
Vice President, Advertising Sales for The N: Nelson Boyce
Vice President positions within the Nickelodeon Magazine Group:
Noreen Rafferty
Noelle Wojciehowski
Donna Sabino

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