Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jeff Hyslop "Likes" My Logo Pic!

The other night while I was roaming around F/B I had a notice for Jeff Hyslop (Jeff from Today’s Special). Since I had never gotten a notice from his page before I thought that perhaps he had approved my friend request. Sadly that was not the cast but when I looked at his “Activities and Interests” in the “Other” category I saw a link to the New Years Nickelodeon Logo I created!!! I guess you can go to Photobucket and “like” pictures on there but I thought that was pretty darn cool that he liked the picture that I created!!! (Which I’m inclosing.)

Here is how it was listed on his page.

Jeff Hyslop - Activities and Interests - Other - New_Years_Logo-2.jpg image by Jellicle_Ice_Kat on Photobucket!/profile.php?id=520021065


  1. That's awesome, that would make my day! He didn't accept my friend request either :(

  2. That's awesome, that would make my day!

    I sent a friend request too and he didn't accept :(

  3. I'm sorry he didn't accept your request but I know how you feel. I sent a friend request to Jocko Marcelino from Sha Na Na and he hasn't accepted it either.

    1. I sent one to Nerene Virgin as well and still no luck. I wonder if they still go on their accounts. I see that Bob Dermer still does

    2. Jeff still does but only on occasion but I have no idea about Nerene.

  4. Oh bummer, ah well :( do you know what he's up to these days? I found out that he came to my city last year for a show but I missed out since I was in a totally different mindset at that time. I've been googling everyday trying to find anything new

    1. He's on Facebook, you can just follow him there. I'm not personal friends with him, I read his page like anyone to know what's going on.
