a while now I’ve wanted to do something special for my Yahoo group, A New
Beginning For Classic Nickelodeon, this blog and my Facebook pages and groups –
all of which are dedicated to Classic 80’s Nickelodeon.
first I wasn’t sure what to do. I’ve already been posting 80’s videos for
Classic Nick Rocks for a few Saturdays now but I had stopped posting my Classic
Nick Wednesday articles mostly due to the lack of time I had with my writing
. My posting has been few and far
between and I am very sorry for that; sometimes I just don’t know what to post
and I get very little feedback so I don’t even know if y’all like any of this.
But still I wanted to do something for y’all to let you know that I’m still
here, I still love you and I miss you and this is what I came up with.

too long ago I looked up the titles to all of the Special Delivery shows that I
had the titles for on YouTube not knowing what I’d find. To my surprise and
delight I was able to find about twenty four shows by title. I also discovered
that a few of them had not aired on Nickelodeon Special Delivery but were, in
fact, ABC Afterschool Specials. I watched the programs and decided that they
were suitable for this blog and I will be posting them for our Special Delivery
and they will be labeled as such.
so, with that, the Classic Nickelodeon Fan Blog, in association with A New
Beginning For Classic Nickelodeon Yahoo group, would like to present to you our
version of the Nickelodeon classic Special Delivery! I will try to post these
every second and fourth Sunday of the month with a possible Monday if I don’t
post on Sunday and will be shown in alphabetical order. I hope that you enjoy
this treat and that it brings back as many fond memories for you as it has for
me. J
A Cricket in Times Square
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