Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can Yall Help?

The other day I had a bit of a revelation and I was wondering if yall could help me out?

While my mom and I were talking abut the fan meet I was telling her how I went to one of the local newspapers and took them the information about the fan meet and then it hit me. What I need is to get the word out about this fan meet otherwise I might get stuck paying for an empty room and that’s where yall come in. (Obviously I knew this before but this current idea just hit me while I was talking to her.)

The first newspaper that I went to told me that they are in association with nine (9) other newspapers so I started thinking about the newspaper in OKC and Tulsa and everywhere else. So my thought was that if yall could send me the names, phone numbers and possibly the email addresses of the newspapers in your cities I could email the same information to all of them and then it would be in newspapers all over the states!!!

So what do yall think? Think you could help me out with those names and phone numbers? It would really be a big help to me and it’s the cheapest way I can think of to advertise in as many different states and cities possible.

And on a side note we have kind of a community channel here where they have the time and date and tempter and so on and they post announcements about different activities going on all over town. Well Thursday or Friday I took them an announcement about the fan meet and I saw it today for the first time!!!
P.S. – If you don’t see this until after the fan meet no worries. Go ahead and send me the information anyway and I can still use it for next year! Thanks again!!!

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