Hey yall,
A little while back I got an email from a fellow Today's Special fan who let me know of a new website that TV Ontario now has up and running where they have posted many of their classic programs. I'm forwarding his email to all of you who would like to check it out.
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 22:51:04 -0800
From: herrmann20042@yahoo.com
Subject: new website
To: peggysueclay@hotmail.com
hey there, i wanted to share a website, that has finally got off the ground, last october when tv ontairo the company that made today's special and the polka dot door.. they finally have their archive site, that they anoused last october, and it you can watch episodes from their vault that they are putting on the website... they have today's special on there, 5 episodes, but down the road more will probley be added, they also have 2 episodes of the polka dot door on there as well... here is the website, you can take a look at it, and also pass the website along to the other members, it was cool watching some todays special episodes on the computer from their offical website..
from joe
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