Mini Fan Meet
BREAKING NEWS – Official Date is July 1-3, 2011 mark your calendars!!!
Since the last two fan meets have fallen though I’ve been discouraged thinking that it will never happen but maybe that’s not necessarily the case.
As you all know I live in Altus, OK and I have a friend who lives in Chickasha, OK, which is about three hours from me. We started talking the other day on Yahoo Messenger and thought that instead of a big huge proper fan meet like I was planning what about if we started A LOT smaller so here’s what we came up with.
Hold a “mini fan meet”, as we’re calling it, in Lawton, OK and just have it at a hotel room instead of like a proper banquette room. Everyone can just get their own room (downstairs if possible, I love yall but I have a very bad back and I don’t want to have to climb stairs for two days), she’s bringing a VCR/DVD player and I’m bringing the videos and DVDs and we’ll all just hang out in someone’s room and watch the old shows together. That way there’s no cost for a banquette room or tickets just the price of your room and food and we can all order pizza and I can take some microwave popcorn, someone can run to the store for soda or tea and just be very informal and hang out.
So what do yall think? Would any of you be interested in something like that as apposed to how I was doing it before? Also if you would like a list of the programs that I have to take with me for us to watch please let me know and I’ll post it to the you personally or on the list of whom ever asks me.
DATE – July 1-3, 2011
PLACE – Executive Inn
3134 NW Cache Rd.
Lawton, OK 73505
NOTE – This IS a nice hotel despite the reviews. My Mom and I have stay there every time we go to Lawton and we’ve never had any problems with them. The rooms are clean and come with a mini frig and coffee pot.
For more information contact me at please add "Fan Meet" to the subject line.

Hi, did this event happen? Would love to see photos and/or summary. Hope you had a blast!
ReplyDeleteSorry it’s taken so long to get back to you but I was trying to figure out the best way to word this.
ReplyDeleteYes we did have the fan meet but I never wrote a report about it because after three years of planning I had three fans scheduled to come but two of them canceled.
Unfortunately one of the fans who canceled did so on the morning she was supposed to be there and she was bringing the DVD player. The one guy who did show up didn’t mind buying a DVD player and the hookups but it still makes me mad to think about it. I should never have trusted someone else to help me, I should have taken care of it myself. Still live and learn I guess.
There is only one picture of Sam and myself but I need to get it put on a CD since my scanner is messed up, when I do I’ll post it here on the blog.
As to future fan meets I’m not sure at this point. If, and that’s a big if, I hold any more I will be unable to hold them in Lawton for several reasons. And, as it’s been pointed out to me, no one is going to want to fly into Lawton (Oklahoma) and drive here to Altus which is were I live. What I would like to do is change the name to NickCon and have it here in Altus in hopes that it will grow into something wonderful but that remains to be seen.
Thank you for reading my blog and posting your question and sorry again for taking so long to get back to you.