Details Emerge About The CW’s Tomorrow People Pilot
Craig Byrne January 31, 2013
The CW is casting their new version of The Tomorrow People,
from Executive Producers Julie Plec (Vampire Diaries) and Greg Berlanti (Arrow)
with a script from Phil Klemmer (Chuck), and KSiteTV has learned some details
about some of the characters and situations we might see if it should go to the
The pilot is currently casting several roles, and some of
them have names that are familiar to the 1970′s British ITV series. Things
could always change, and it’s quite possible some names and situations may
change as well, but here are some of the characters we can [possibly] look
forward to.
Stephen shares a name and a similar situation to the
character Peter Vaughan-Clarke played in the original Tomorrow People. Also
like the original show, Stephen first meets the others in the premiere, and at
first thinks it was all a dream – until he uses some telekinesis of his own. He
is told he inherited his “genetic mutation” from his dad, and he has a friend
named Astrid that he goes to high school with. Astrid seems to be his Chloe
Sullivan-Joey Potter type “best friend.” He’s actually being given meds for
“paranoia” and those meds get him into a troubling situation. Stephen has a
brother named Luca.
Nicholas Young played John in the original series, and there’s
a John in this one, too. Although each of them possesses the “three T’s” –
teleportation, telepathy, and telekinesis – teleportation is John’s specialty.
Love triangles seem already set up as John is jealous of Cara’s chemistry with
Cara (perhaps named after the original show’s “Carol”)
speaks telepathically, particularly to Stephen. Has anyone called Laura
Vandervoort for this yet? She’d be perfect, and she’s played a “Kara” before,
so the names would be similar.
Russell is another of the Tomorrow People. He’s Cara’s
brother and a “handsome bad boy.” It sounds like there are several Tomorrow
People beyond those named, as well.
Jedikiah also shares a name with a character from the
original series. (The first episode of the old show was actually called “The
Slaves of Jedikiah.”) He knows Stephen’s family, and seems to lead a program
called ULTRA that deals with folks like the Tomorrow People. He tries to
convince Stephen that John and Cara aren’t being honest with them. In other
words, he’s bad news.
As with the previous series, Tomorrow People are unable to
The computer TIM still factors in to things, and the base of
the “Tomorrow People” seems to be a subway station hundreds of feet below
Manhattan. Hope they don’t run into any turtles down there… terms like “saps”
(the original series’ name for people without powers) also come into play.
Although things could change, does this sound like something
you’d watch? Leave some comments below!
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