Double Dare – Super Sloppy DD – Hidden Temple – Guts – Figure It Out – Nick
Arcade...ALL ON DVD!
release with installments of all 6 shows is now available from Amazon's
CreateSpace MOD program
by David Lambert
29, 2015
ready for some of the all-time greatest episodes of your favorite Nick game
shows! Join Kirk Fogg & Olmec as they tell you Legends of the Hidden
Temple, Mike O'Malley as he tests kids' Guts, celebrity judges who are trying
to Figure It Out, and more!
one slipped under our radar, so we're grateful to sharp-eyed readers like Evan
Finney who sent us the heads-up that 2 days ago, on April 27th, Nickelodeon
released a manufacture on demand (MOD) DVD for "Nickelodeon Games -
Sports: All-Star Collection." This 202-minute disc contains episodes of
Family Double Dare, Super Sloppy Double Dare, Guts, Figure It Out, Legends of
the Hidden Temple and Nickelodeon Arcade. Price is just $9.99 SRP, and cover
art is below. We've also got an Amazon button link, so you can order a copy and
relive some great memories!